Introducing the New Case Director

February 24, 2017

We would like to warmly welcome the new Director of Case, Assoc. Prof. Bill Peirson.

Assoc. Prof. Peirson was recently appointed as Master of New College, following his stint as Dean of Residents at New College since 2015. Prior to this role he was the former Director of the Water Research Laboratory at UNSW. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor within the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering. He has over 30 years professional and research experience in water engineering. He has published his work widely and supervised many research students while at UNSW.

Bill is married to Ruth. They have three daughters. Laura who is married, and Alice and Samantha who live with them at College. Ruth and Bill have been a part of Unichurch since Bill was appointed at New College.

Bill replaces Prof Trevor Cairney as Case Director after a substantial 15 years. Trevor helped to pioneer Case in 2002 and his last issue as Editor and Director was Case 46.

“I’m pleased that I can leave CASE and Case Quarterly in great shape, and good hands. I will continue to have an ongoing interest in Case as a member of the Editorial Committee, and also as a Case columnist writing about education, families and work,” says Prof Cairney.

Assoc. Prof. Peirson would like to sincerely thank Trevor for the consistent efforts he has expended to develop the significant ministry of Case.

He is looking forward to taking the reins of Case and continuing to produce in depth Christian thinking that makes sense of today’s world.

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